You’ve heard the saying; fail to prepare - prepare to fail. Whether it’s because some view prep work as an unnecessary expense or it just boils down to impatience, many projects fail the longevity test due to improper or rushed prep work. It often takes more time than the painting itself; in fact, prep can make up 75% of the project.
Taking the time necessary to prepare all surfaces to ensure the final finish is of the highest quality is our #1 priority. Although the degree of preparation will vary from job to job, the ultimate quality of the finish will always be determined by the care taken in the surface preparation.

Professional house painting is important for many reasons. A good paint job beautifies and adds character and personality to your home. However, its primary value is in its function of waterproofing, protecting, and preserving your building. Untreated wood or exposed areas can lead to decay, mold, and other problems when not protected from the elements. The time to think about painting is before you find evidence of damage. Painting as part of your regular maintenance routine will preserve your home for years to come.
Complete Exteriors
Rot Repairs
Power Sanding
Wood Restoration
Window Glazing
Garage Floor Coatings
Vinyl Siding Coatings
Aluminum Siding Coatings
Pool Painting / Sealing
Masonry Cleaning & Sealing
Foundation Coatings